How to Make Sri Lankan Fish Bun

How to Make Sri Lankan Fish Bun


For the batter 

  • 500 Grams Plain flour 
  • 10 Grams Yeast (dry) 
  • 50 Grams Sugar 
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt 
  • 110 Milliliter Water (tepid) 
  • 110 Milliliter Milk (at room temperature) 
  • 2 Medium Egg 
  • 50 Grams Butter (liquefied) 

for the filling 

  • 4 Tablespoon Oil 
  • 1 Medium Onion (cleaved) 
  • 5 Clove Garlic (cleaved) 
  • 1 Tablespoon Chili pieces 
  • 1 Teaspoon Ground pepper 
  • 1 Teaspoon Curry powder 
  • 5 Small Curry leaves 
  • 2 (200 Grams) Can Fish (400g - squashed) 
  • 500 Grams Potato (bubble and squashed) 
  • 4 Medium Spring onion (cleaved) 
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Salt (or to taste) 


How to Make Sri Lankan Fish Bun

For mixture (Mixing by hand or by a Stand Mixer) 

* Stage 1 

In a cup blend yeast, 2 teaspoon of sugar and 80 Milliliter of tepid water. Marginally mix the blend and put in a safe spot for around 5 minutes until yeast enact (structure and air pocket up). 

* Stage 2 

Blending by hand – Combine flour with outstanding sugar and salt in a huge size blending bowl.

 Make a well in the middle and pour in your yeast blend, remaining water, milk, 1 beaten egg, and spread. Utilizing a wooden spoon energetically mix flour into well, starting in focus and running after sides of bowl, mixing great to dispose of any irregularities.

 Then, place mixture onto a gently floured surface. Residue your hands with flour and massage delicately. Turn and rehash until the batter is sleek and flexible (for around 15 minutes).

 Keep away from an excessive amount of manipulating as its overdevelops the gluten in the flour and results in an intense outside layer. 

* Stage 3 

Blending by a Stand Mixer – Combine flour, remaining sugar, salt, yeast combination, water, milk, egg and spread in a huge blender bowl. Connect batter snare and go machine to low speed. 

Beat until very much blended (for around 1 moment). Then, change to medium speed and blend until batter is smooth and versatile (for around 10 minutes, keep massaging while progressively adding barely enough additional flour for mixture to lose its tenacity).

 On the off chance that batter is dry and brittle, add 1 tablespoon of warm water at a time, until dough is smooth and versatile. 

How to Make Sri Lankan Fish Bun

* Stage 4 

Whenever you have blended and plied the mixture, shape it into a ball and spot in to an enormous bowl and cover with a stick film or sodden kitchen towel. 

Allow the batter to ascend in a warm spot until it has multiplied in size (for around 30 minutes). While this prepare hop in to subsequent stages to set up the filling. 

For the Filling 

* Stage 5 

Warmth the oil in a huge sauce dish over medium high warmth, when its hot add garlic, onion, stew pieces, curry leaves, curry powder, ground pepper in to the sauce container, fry it for around 3 minutes until onion and garlic are getting light earthy colored tone. 

* Stage 6 

Presently add crushed fish and salt in to the sauce dish combine well all. Allow it to broil around 5 minutes. 

* Stage 7 

At that point add pounded potato to the sauce dish combine well all and allowed it to cook for about additional 2 minutes. When the combination is all around consolidated add cleaved spring onion and blend well again, at that point take the sauce skillet off the oven and put in a safe spot. 

Remaining Steps 

* Stage 8 

At the point when the batter is prepared, utilize your clench hand to punch it down, to kill the air bubbles.Then fold the mixture into a solitary roll and separation it in to 2 pieces and move them with your hand till it get a round rod shape. 

* Stage 9 

At that point partition every mixture twirly doo into 8 equivalent bits and fold them into balls and let them ascend for around 10 minutes. 

* Stage 10 

When the mixture balls are risen and prepared, sprinkle piece of flour on a dry level surface and spot a batter ball. By utilizing a wooden batter roller shape the mixture into level slender sheet (around 4 to 5mm), make a point to get the round shape. 

* Stage 11 

At that point add one full tablespoon of filling into the focal point of the straightened batter sheet. When it done, presently it's the ideal opportunity for the three-venture collapsing measure. 

Crease the left half of the sheet over the filling into a rakish straight line, at that point overlay the correct side of the sheet over the filling towards the left side.

 At long last overlay the lower part of the sheet upwards over the filling making a three-sided shape. Try to pat the edges to seal any last details. Check the showed steps pictures. 

* Stage 12 

Rehash the last two stages for all the excess mixture balls and spot them in a lined and buttered heating plate where collapsed side of the buns face lower part of the plate.

 Make a point to have enough space in the middle of buns as the keep on rising a piece when they heat. Put this in a safe spot for around 30 minutes to rise. 

* Stage 13 

When the buns are risen enough brush their top surface incorporating each of the three sides with beaten egg by utilizing a little brush. 

* Stage 14 

Spot the preparing plate in the center segment of a pre warmed broiler (200C) and heat them for 20 minutes. It's optimal chance to get them off the broiler once fish buns get light brilliant earthy colored tone. Allow them to warm down for around 5 minutes before serve.
